Evolving Math Web Standards from a Usability Perspective

Lessons learned from MathJax's Semantic Enrichment Project. Joint Math Meetings 2016.

Evolving Math Web Standards from a Usability Perspective

Lessons learned from MathJax's Semantic Enrichment Project. Joint Math Meetings 2016.

What is MathJax?

A rendering solution for mathematics on the web.
Turns TeX-like, Asciimath, and MathML into, e.g.,

For example, on Math Reviews MathOverflow arXiv
and a publisher's website near you.

Who is MathJax?

The web as a new medium

20 years of web ≈ 100 years of printing press

Unknown German blogger. [Citation Needed]

The web as a new raw material

Aus dem Paradies, das Berners-Lee uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können.

Not David Hilbert.

The Semantic Enrichment Project I

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Exploring the web's grain for math & science.
Improve fluidity and universality of math rendering on the web.

The Semantic Enrichment Project II

Enriching MatHML using procedural heuristics

  1. Produce a "Semantic Tree"
  2. Tightly intertwined with the original MathML
  3. But embeddedable in any MathML rendering.
Builds upon on work by Sorge et. al. at Google Research.

Time for Demos

Responsive rendering:
Document fragment
Live TeX input
Accessibility tool:

What we learned

  1. MathJax's mission: eliminate yourself!
    • Push supply of technologies by generating demand.
    • We failed wrt MathML in browsers.
    • More and more tools have been enabled.
  2. We suggest a pragmatic bottom-up approach instead.
    • Improve well-supported standards incrementally.
    • Make life easier for existing rendering solutions.
    • Build on this experience.

for the web
as it will be.

Thank you.

obligatory cat gif


  1. Semantic Enrichment Project overview
  2. CICM MathUI workshop paper
  3. ADS workshop paper
  4. DEIMS 2016 workshop paper (upcoming)

Image references

  1. Slide 1: Bohr and Pauli with Tippe Top
  2. Slide 4: printing press
  3. Slide 4: Citation Needed
  4. Slide 11: Cat Gif #1